Injuries and Other Accidents

Injuries & Other Accidents

Slip, trip and fall accidents, work related injuries and injuries resulting from negligence are very common personal injury accidents which can result in:

  • Broken bones
  • Soft tissue injuries including sprained muscles
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Lost wages
  • Hospitalization

Slip, trip or fall accidents can be caused by many situations such as ice on sidewalks and streets, wet spots on floors, grease on steps, highly polished floors, loose flooring or carpeting, uneven walking surfaces, clutter and poor lighting. These are just to name a few things that other people are responsible for properly maintaining. You can be hurt in slip, trip and fall accidents anywhere such as in a place of business, a mall, a city street or even in a house.

Slip, trip or fall accidents can be very tricky and are not always 100% the negligent party’s fault. If you’ve experienced a slip, trip or fall then protect your legal rights immediately – call the Law Offices of Paul Bryan Schneider, P.C.

The biggest element in this type of case is called “notice.” Did the potential defendant have notice of the defect/condition that you fell on? In some cases involving municipalities, they require prior WRITTEN notice by a certain date before the date of your accident. This is often a hard obstacle to overcome but certainly not impossible. Protect your legal rights immediately – call the Law Offices of Paul Bryan Schneider, P.C.

Witnesses are also usually a key issue in these type of cases as defendants often will point the finger at the plaintiffs for their accident. Plaintiffs are usually going to be found some percentage at fault for these types of accidents. It is OUR job as lawyers to do the best we can to limit your percentage at fault so you can be fairly compensated for your injuries. 

Finally, it is always best to take pictures of the accident scene as soon as possible after the accident as the defect/condition may change: If it’s possible, take pictures with your cell phone camera. Protect your legal rights immediately – call the Law Offices of Paul Bryan Schneider, P.C.

Also, check your surroundings after the accident. Are there surveillance cameras that could’ve videoed your fall? How is the lighting where you fell? Are there other similar defects in the area?

If you have experienced a slip, trip and fall accident, then call the Law Offices of Paul Bryan Schneider, P.C. to protect your legal rights.
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